PErK Version 0: Brief Installation notes This preliminary version of the perk code is primarily a mixture of C and FORTRAN. The file that is called by the user, `perk,' is a Perl script that calls system compilers to produce an executable module specific for your jobfile and then runs the executable. This version of PErK runs under Linux. You can unbundle it with the command linux-prompt> tar xvf perk-v0.tar Many files and two subdirectories will be created. There are two tiny things you must do to make the program run on your system. 1. The path in the line #! /usr/bin/perl -w in the file should be changed to the path for Perl (NOT ) on your system. 2. The line $rpath = "/home/comp_exp/PERK-LINUX/" ; in the file should be changed to be the directory where you will keep the program files. To run the program type linux-prompt> /perk job_file where job_file is your jobfile and is the path of the directory containing the program files. does not need to be specified if perk is in the user's path. For example, the subdirectory contains a number of test examples. Any of the files that start with the characters "branin.ex" are sample job files. The auxillary files called by each job file are also in the subdirectory. The subdirectory describes the functioning of this version of the program. There are a couple of small command line differences between the Appendix of the book and this manual. These will be removed when the final version of this program is released.