===================== INSTRUCTIONS ============================== This document contains instructions for installing and using rGLM package for R. 1. Install For Linux users, download the compiled R package file for Linux: rGLM_1.1.tar.gz For Windows users, download the compiled R package file for Windows: rGLM_1.1.zip Then use the following function in R to install the package >install.packages(pkgs=filename,repos=NULL) where "filename" should be replaced with the corresponding file name. Moreover, install the following packages, >install.packages(pkgs="hapassoc") >install.packages(pkgs="glmpath") >install.packages(pkgs="gtools") 2. Use Use >library(rGLM) >library(hapassoc) >library(glmpath) >library(gtools) to load the packages into R. Use >?rGLM >?one.rGLM.test >?apply.rGLM.test to read the instruction. 3. Example Using the example data file: hypoDat > data(genoDat) > example.pre.hapassoc<-pre.hapassoc(genoDat, 3) > example.rGLM<-rGLM(affected ~ h000+ h010 + h011 + h100 + pooled, example.pre.hapassoc,lambda=0 ) > example.rGLM$beta # Intercept h000 h010 h011 h100 pooled # -1.13877694 0.90310223 -0.42658772 0.08630562 -0.35713887 0.22989182 > example.rGLM<- rGLM(affected ~ h000+ h010 + h011 + h100 + pooled, example.pre.hapassoc,lambda=1 ) > example.rGLM$beta # Intercept h000 h010 h011 h100 pooled # -1.1759560 0.7817717 -0.1555806 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 > example.test<-apply.rGLM.test(nonSNPcolumns=1,hypoDat=genoDat, lambda=c(0.2,0.5,0.8),Bpermu=100) #This may take a few minutes, but you can shorten the run time #by having fewer permutations for testing purpose, e.g. Bpermu=10. > example.test$permu.pvalue # [1] 0.2 # The results may be different due to permutation. 4. Reference rGLM: Guo W, Lin S. (2009). Generalized linear modeling with regularization for detecting common disease rare haplotype association. Genetics Epidemiology. DOI: 10.1002/gepi.20382. hapassoc: Burkett K, Graham J, McNeney B. 2006. hapassoc: Software for likelihood inference of trait associations with SNP haplotypes and other attributes. Journal of Statistical Software {16}:1-19. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions, please email Wei Guo at: guowei@stat.osu.edu